Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday, July 8th was a pretty good day for the boys. Austin had his 34 week head sonogram done and it was clear. That was a big relief!! He is still having issues with the reflux, but they have gone back to hanging his feedings to feed him over the course of about twenty minutes, which has caused him to have several bradys. They are thinking they may have to go back to the continous feeds until his belly gets a little more mature. He still has the fluid build up on his lower extremieties so they have done some more urine cultures to see if there is any protein in the urine that could be the cause. They continue to tell us that these types of problems are pretty normal for preemies, but that doesn't make the frustration any less. We continue to hope that one of these days soon Austin will figure all of this stuff out and be on his way towards getting well enough to come home.

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